Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's Actually Never Too Soon

I remember scrolling through my Facebook news feed so many times, seeing couples who had only been dating for two weeks posting, "OMG, I love you forever," all over one another's wall. You have to be kidding me, I would think to myself. They've been together for, like what? A minute? As it turns out, falling in love changed how I saw these people and their shockingly quick love for each other.
Now, I admit, of course, people do take the word "love" for granted. We throw it out on a daily basis, over little things that we probably don't really have an undying passion for. We hear "Hate is a strong word" all the time, but no one every says anything about "love" being a strong word. Love is even stronger than hate, if you ask me. Yet, somehow, we forget that. There are people who undoubtedly overuse the word "love" and more importantly the phrase, "I Love You." They say it to people who are still practically strangers to them. That will always happen, but we shouldn't be so quick to judge those that are more apt to throw the word around. Maybe all those people that we think are being irrational just know something that we don't.
Nick and I were together for six months before we became "official." I don't even know what that means. It took us six whole months before we decided people could refer to us a couple. We gave ourselves the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend, and it was finally okay to say that we were dating. But what about the six months before that? We were falling head-over-heels in love with each other the whole damn time, but apparently those six amazing months don't count because we weren't "official." 
Well, this is how I learned that things aren't always as they appear. Nick and I were saying "I love you" five days after we stared officially dating. That's right. Five days. To the rest of the world, this would look as though we were dating for five days, and then decided we loved each other. That's not the truth of it, though. The truth is we fell in love long before the world knew us to be a couple. We loved one another for the entire six months. That first time he said I love you, and I said it back, I realized that it really is never too soon to say I love you. What we should be more worried about is saying it too late. What harm is there in saying I love you to someone that we don't love, or saying it before we truly love a person? Who decided that was unacceptable? If you ask me, society is wrong to scorn those who love so freely and willingly.
Say "I Love You." Say it often and loudly. Say it because you mean it, even if everyone else thinks that you don't. We shouldn't be afraid of those words. They are nothing more that, they are words. They can't hurt us. Sure, admitting that we love something or someone makes us more vulnerable, more naked. We shouldn't run from those emotions, though. We should embrace them. Maybe if none of us were afraid of being in love or opening our mouths and telling everybody that we're in love, the world would be just a little better off.
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts with me at

Love, Bri <3

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