Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Probably No Biggie

Living together. Wow. Where to begin? Nick and I have officially had our first apartment together since this past May. That's about four months. However, since we were both home for the majority of our summer, we have really only been living here together for a little over a month. And, it is fantastic. 
Before we moved in, we wondered how it would change our relationship. Nick thought he wouldn't get enough alone time, and I thought we would get into a lot of fights about little things. Boy, am I surprised. I can honestly say this is the best our relationship has ever been. We haven't fought about a single thing the entire time we've lived here thus far. We split the chores and grocery shop together. It all feels so mature; so adult. Now, I'm far from the most mature person I know. And, when I say far, I'm talking really fucking far. However, my living situation is better than I would have ever thought. I love it more than anything, and I am incredibly happy.
Despite how happy I am, I feel as though, maybe I am not giving Nick enough space. He's a guy, and he wants his guy time. That is perfectly okay, but I tend to forget that. I could be with him all day, every day and never get sick of it. I mean that 100%. I don't need anything more than to be with him to be happy, but he likes a bit of alone time now and then.
When you're with your guy, and he wants to be alone, or gets bored of the same routine every day, whether you live together or are just with each other very often, don't panic. It's probably nothing. The most important thing to remember is that he's not bored of you. He's just looking to mix things up a bit. As much as you love to spend every minute with him, it's okay to let him go off and do his own thing without you. Go stay at a friend's place for the night. Give him the treat of the whole bed! It doesn't sound like a lot, but I guarantee he'll appreciate it.
I struggle with these things with Nick. I never go anywhere else, I just want to be with him all the time. Then, I get worried because I feel like he gets bored. I know, though, that he's not bored or upset, he just isn't a girl. He doesn't want to lay in bed and cuddle all day, and that's perfectly okay. Just remember to never freak out, because girls tend to get worked up over problems that don't even exist. Living together is a lot to handle sometimes, but relax, no matter what seems to be wrong, it's probably not a big deal.


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