Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Day We Met: A Story of Fate

I remember meeting him perfectly. It was during my first week of my freshman year of college. A friend and I had decided to try out one of the local bars. Waiting in line to get in, we found ourselves talking to some older guys. After a few minutes of conversation, I learned that the men we had met were male strippers. For some girls, this may have been great news, but for me, it was a cue to leave. I was not interested in the one that was trying to steal my heart- or vagina, for that matter- from the beginning, but the news of his lousy occupation pushed me over the edge. Despite this, they had promised to buy us drinks once we were inside, so, naturally, we stuck around. Of course, they were expecting us to dance with them. Instead, after collecting our drinks, we excused ourselves to the restroom, where we downed the drinks, tossed them in the trash, and scurried out the back door, before they ever had a chance to say goodbye. Typical girl move, I know, but it was all part of the path that led me to the love of my life. 
My friend and I weren't sure where to take the rest of our night, so we stopped at a vendor on the sidewalk to grab some hot dogs. While we sat and ate, a trio of Australian boys introduced themselves. Now these ones, we liked, if only for the accents. We talked with them for quite some time. I stood up to throw my garbage in to the nearest trash bin when I saw another group of boys. As they walked past us, one of them stood out to me. He wore a maroon hoodie, ripped jeans, skater shoes, and he topped it all off with a backwards RVCA hat. Saying he was my type would be an understatement. He looked good, and maybe it was only because I had a few drinks in me, but for some reason I felt he deserved to know. So, I shouted. "Hey, you look good," I said in his direction. What?! Why would I say that? I could have chose to be a normal member of the female population and gone up to politely introduce myself, but I shouted. No, not even. I catcalled. I catcalled a guy. Talk about reverse gender roles. Well, he nodded and smiled, and that was that.
I went back and joined my friend and the Aussies. About ten minutes later, mid-conversation with the three boys, I hear a whisper in my ear. "The one in the grey is faking. He's not from Australia." Startled, I whipped my head around. And, what do you know? There he was. The sexy boy in the RVCA hat. 
To be continued, my loves.....

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