Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sharing Views

On a day like today, I felt the subject of sharing views would only be appropriate. Twelve years ago today was one of the most painful days in our nation's history. We were blindsided by our enemies, hit hard and hit close to home. We lost an unfathomable number of our brothers and sisters. Personally, I was very young on the date of the September 11th attacks, but I remember the events of the day vividly. I remember learning about solar eclipses in my third grade classroom. I remember the way our studies were interrupted, the way the teachers gathered together, the discomfort that hung in the air over their whispers, and the looks on their faces. As soon as I was buckled into the backseat of my mother's car, I can still picture her trying with all her might to keep her composure as she tried to explain what happened to our young, innocent little minds. She broke down. She did her best to break the news, but it came out muffled between gasps and tears.
I was young- only a child. I hadn't known anyone whose soul had been stolen by these terrorists. I couldn't understand why something like this would happen. Even so, I was terrified for years. Just like every other American, I did not feel safe in my own home. This broke our country.  We fell together, and rose from the ashes as a nation. We have tried our bests to rebuild, but what happened that day, will never be forgotten. Those that lost their lives shall live on forever in the hearts of every American. We will not forget.
Today, I spent the day in the nation's capitol, Washington, D.C. I rode on the back of my daddy's Harley into the city with hundreds of thousands of other bikers as a memorial service for all those lost and all those still fighting for our freedom, as well as a reminder to never forgot what it takes to be free.
Waiting to start the ride.
Taking over the Beltway, riding into downtown D.C.
Stopped in front of the Washington Monument.
Today, I felt so much pride for my country. I grew up in a conservative family in which I learned to value our constitutional rights. You're probably starting to wonder how any of this fits into my blog about love and relationships. The answer to that is that today, I was not only proud, but also grateful. I was grateful for all the people that share my beliefs, in particular, my wonderful Nick. Nick and I have the same views on most political subjects, and that is truly a blessing.
People form relationships with people who have different beliefs, values, and morals all the time. No, it's not unheard of or impossible, but I can tell you from firsthand experience, that it feels so much better to have someone that you can talk to about your opinions. When the person you love is willing to back you on anything and everything, when they support all that you do, and fight alongside you in your battles, you are nothing short of fortunate. Matters of our nation's government are important to me. Nick accepts that, and agrees with the way that I feel. Knowing that is a godsend. It gives me faith and hope.
It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe. It doesn't matter if you care about politics or religion, or if you just don't care about anything at all. What matters is having someone to stand beside you and feel what you feel. Sharing the same views is not necessary, but it is convenient. Find someone who you can have a meaningful discussion about major issues with, and you will undoubtedly find yourself attracted to that person. If this person happens to be your one true love, then it's your lucky day!
Until next time, Bri

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