Friday, October 25, 2013

Falling in Love

Just the other day, Nick and I celebrated our one year and eight month anniversary. Well, no, we didn't really celebrate. It was just another day. But, the point is, we have now officially been together for a year and eight months. For some of you that doesn't sound like a very long time. However, for those of you who are in or have ever been in a relationship like mine, you can understand that it feels like we have truly been together for a lifetime. I don't think anyone says it better than Christina Perri when she sings "I have loved you for a thousand years, I will love you for a thousand more." I really, really, deep down in my heart feel like I have known and loved him for thousands of years. For as long as the waves have crashed and the wind has blown. Forever and beyond it. I guess that's how it feels to have a soulmate.
Anyway, flashbacks of memories often appear in my head. The way we were different then. Two years ago, when we were still falling in love. Those memories are the absolute best. Of course, every day and every moment with him is a treasure, but nothing is like those first couple months of pure magic. There is a big difference between falling in love and being in love. And sometimes, I wish I could go back to that. 
Now, we know everything about each other, we're together 24/7, we're familiar and comfortable. But when we were still just falling for each other there was so much more risk involved. Back then, I never knew if he was going to always be there the next day or if whatever it was that we were doing would be my last memory with him, and I'm sure he felt the same about me. Nothing was concrete. We could have just been people passing through one another's lives with no major meaning. I always knew that I loved him, but back in those months of falling head over heels for one another, it was different. Everything was just a little bit more special. Maybe because we were constantly learning new things about each other. Or always trying new things together. I guess I don't know what makes it different, but it is. If you have ever heard anyone say that falling is the best part, they weren't kidding. So if any of you out there are in that fantastic stage of a relationship, enjoy it. Treasure every moment. It is the basis for the rest of your relationship together.

Happy Friday, lovlies!

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