Thursday, October 10, 2013

Missing Him

Hello loves,
Sorry it has been such a long time since I last posted. I haven't been around my computer much. Last week, Nick and I both went home to our parents houses for a few days. Nick was going home to hunt. Of course. I was going home just because I haven't been home for awhile, and my car was in need of a trip to the garage. We were apart for five days.
Five days. That doesn't sound like a lot, I know. Especially for those of you in long distance relationships. I applaud all of you that are able to put up with the distance, by the way. But, for me, it was downright awful. Naturally, I love being home with my family, but no matter how much else I've got on my plate while I'm home, my head still swims with thoughts of my baby. I missed him immensely while we were apart. In fact, immensely may be an understatement. Since we live together, I am so used to him always being there. Even when he's not right there, in the room, or in the next room over, he is always relatively close. I feel safe because I can feel his presence. I know he's never more than a few miles away, if that. That was why it was so unbearable for me to be away from him.
We've been apart before, mind you. In the summers and on other breaks. However, this time, the separation felt so much different to me. It was the first time we've been apart since living together. I can't believe how much that has changed the way I feel about his absence. I feel silly, honestly. It makes me feel like maybe I'm too clingy or even, God forbid, desperate. I know that's not the problem, though. I know I just miss him so much because of how much I love him.
I came back to the apartment Tuesday night, and he was already there. He had been here since Sunday night because of school. I knew all along that when he came back, he would be leaving the very next day, Wednesday, to go home and go hunting again for a long weekend. I was secretly hoping all the while that he would stay until Thursday so that I could have one more night with him before he left again. More importantly, one more day. 
Well today is Thursday, and I'm all alone. I couldn't keep him here as much as I wanted to tie him down and forbid him to go. I knew how excited he was to go right back to his family, and climb up into his tree stand for a few more days in the woods. I couldn't take that away from him. It's his favorite thing in the whole world, and he doesn't get many chances to do it because of school. So, obviously, I cried when he left. I tried to keep it in, but I'm such a baby. He is my happiness, and without him, I'm not myself. He said he would stay, but I begged him to go. I know he would stay to make me happy, but I wanted him to be happy, too. He deserves it.
So, I will just wait patiently until my perfect boyfriend comes home. It's not like I can't handle being alone, I just really hate being away from him. Now, I'm just crossing my fingers for him in hopes that he brings home some venison and deer jerky to make all this loneliness worth while.


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