Thursday, October 3, 2013

Easy Fixes For Relationship Troubles

Hey lovelies, I just came across this amazing article while aimlessly browsing the internet. If you're currently in a relationship, and you're in a rough patch, this post is for you! The following link will certainly be helpful, even if you're single at the moment:

It gives examples of problems we ALL have experienced, are experiencing, or will experiencing. Of course, we all love to believe we have perfect relationships. I, for one, believe no relationship has ever been more perfect than mine. But, part of a perfect relationship is being able to identify with the imperfections. Which leads to the next subject in this article, fixing the problem. The post, "Healing the Cycles that Tear Couples Apart," earns five stars from me.
Hopefully, you all enjoy it as much as I did.

With Love, 

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