Sunday, November 10, 2013

Love Yourself First!

Seriously, girls, I mean it. I know, I know, you have heard this a thousand and one times, right? Well, so have I. But I don't think the meaning behind it stuck for a very long time. I want it to stick for you. So pay attention!
I can say, with all confidence, that I have a pretty decent body. It's not perfect, but neither is anyone's really. It took me my whole life to believe that, though. I go through phases. There have been times in my life where working out has literally taken over my life. Sometimes I love working out, but I don't want to feel forced to do it everyday because I feel inadequate. No matter how hard I've tried during those periods of my life, and how little I've tried at other times, I have been the same weight for years. Honestly probably five or six years. Same weight. No matter what I ate, or didn't eat. No matter how often I worked out or didn't.
And that drove me absolutely insane. The problem was, I couldn't see that I was the weight that I was supposed to be. My body was literally telling me that I was fine, but I wasn't listening. Recently, I finally found peace with my body. I don't always love it, but I don't hate it, either, and in today's society, that is saying something. There will always be times when I complain, and want to cry and scream, and worry about the little things that I simply can not change. We're girls, though. That's what we do. It's a damn curse. But overall, I'm happy.
Watching this video gave me every last bit of confidence that I was missing. This woman says it better than anyone.

Love yourself. Love yourself. Love. Your. Fucking. Self. Hopefully this woman gave you the little kick you needed to understand that you're seriously okay. You're fine. You are perfect and wonderful, and despite everything that you hate about your body, there is someone out there who is going to worship it. If you don't have any appreciation for yourself, it is going to make it damn hard for somebody else to have any.
As a girl with a boyfriend, it is my duty to tell all of you single girls that even once you have a man who loves every bit of you, loving your body is still crucial to your own peace of mind. Whenever I start to get down on myself about my body, I start thinking "I need to lose weight or Nick is going to find somebody with a better body." Okay, earth to Bri, that is so not going to happen. But those are the kind of thoughts that creep into my mind as soon as I start being negative with myself. So get comfortable, babe. Love your body, and it will in fact, love you back. <3

Love always, Bri

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