Friday, November 29, 2013

Communication is Key

Hey all,
Sorry it has been so long, but it's been a busy couple weeks with the holidays and all that fun shit...which reminds me, Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday!!
Today I decided to write about one of the most important aspects of a good relationship: communication. It is vital to a healthy love life. The reason this came to mind as something to talk about today, is because, it is something that has been bothering me.
I never really write about the more negative details of Nick and I's life, but there are some. To be honest, it's nothing worth complaining about because despite living together, being together 24/7, and most of all, despite our differences, we really don't have any problems. Nothing is perfect, but the relationship that we have is truly as close as it can get.
However, we have our arguments just like anyone else. It's part of life. We both get on each other's nerves sometimes, he acts like a dick, I cry like a baby. You know. I know you know. It's unavoidable. But, fortunately, I am able to say that we fight through every obstacle and fix every problem with a 100% success rate because of our amazing ability to communicate. We don't yell at each other. We simply open up and lay our problems on the table, where they belong. We're honest, and even if it's brutal, we're truthful. It's not always easy, but it's the best and most mature way to handle every situation.
Nick and I have been apart all week. It's easy to become frustrated with one another when we don't talk very often and we never have a chance to show our affection. I know that distance is something that I, personally, really struggle with. This time is no different. I miss him so much, I  get lonely, my loneliness turns into anger, I take it out on him. It never fails.
The only thing that helps is communication. Though it's harder to have great communication when we are apart and we are both busy, we have to make it happen. We just have to talk it out. If you can't do that, there is not much that you can do.

Love, Bri

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